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Tune in for conversations with the expert, the interesting, the surprising and practitioners in close contact with their clients.

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Paul Leslie PhD (USA) - Psychotherapist, author, educator.
Author: Potential not Pathology

Online February 6th, 2015 - register your email for free access information

Paul J. Leslie is a psychotherapist, speaker, educator and author residing in Aiken, South Carolina. He has written several books in the areas of psychotherapy, shamanism, healing and personal development. Paul holds a doctorate in Counseling Psychology and has extensive experience in creative, resource directed approaches in working with clients. In his therapy sessions and workshops, Paul provides a supportive, compassionate space. His goal is to help guide you toward living the life you want to live.

He has published several books and moderates a fascinating blog - Potential Not Pathlogy (click here),

Our conversation ranges over a number of fascinating areas, including our mutual interest in Milton H Erickson. Erickson is arguably the most influential psychotherapist and hypnotherapist of modern psychotherapy. The fact he is, surprisingly, less well known than others is because Erickson encouraged people to find their own skills and techniques and not just parrot his practices. Paul is an example of that directive. His ideas and experiences of therapeutic practice come out in this interview.

Find out more about Paul Leslie, his books and his blog at his website www.drpaulleslie.com

Richard Hill Presents: Neuroscience Update Nov 11, 2014 - Director of the MindScience Institute, Richard Hill MA, MEd, MBMSc, DPC, presents 3 snapshots of current research and thinking in neurobiology as well as events.

Online November 14th, 2014 - register your email for free access information

Mindscience TV continues with the series on What's New in Research and What's Happening!

This week looks at three papers each supporting the notion that positive social and personal states are best forour wellbeing. The way that neuroscience can inform us on this, is by showing that the neurotransmitters that determine our sense of well being, such as dopamine, oxytocin and dopamine, are in the right balance. I suggest that we are learning that a healthy state of mind has a lot to do with it and a healthy state of mind has a lot to do with positive social interaction.

The papers referred to are:

Zoicas, I., Slattery, D. A., & Neuman, I. D. (2014)Brain oxytocin in social fear conditioning and its extinction: Involvement of the lateral septum. Neurospychopharmacology June, In Press

Dankoski, E. C., Agster, K. A., Fox, M. E., Moy, S. S., & Wrightman, R. M. (2014)Facilitation of serotonin signaling by SSRIs is attenuated by social isolation. Neuropsychopharmacology 39: 2928-2937.

Greenaway, K. H., Storrs, K. R., Philipp, M. C., Louis, W. R., Hornsey, M. J., & Vohs, K. D. (2014) Loss of control stimulates approach motivation. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology Nov, In Press.

Over time we can, will and do weave the facts into a narrative that we can utilise for better mental health and therapeutic practice.

Brent Potter PhD (USA) - Psychotherapist, author, Director of R.D. Laing Institute.
Author: Elements of Self Destruction

Coming in Nov 2014! Borderline Personality Disorder with Jacqueline Simon Gunn

Online September 9th, 2014 - register your email for free access information

Brent Potter, Ph.D., is a psychotherapist, child mental health specialist, and ethnic minority mental health specialist (WA). Potter earnt his Master's degree in existential-phenominological psychology from Dunesque University. He holds a Doctorate in clinical psychology with an emphasis in depth psychology from the Pacifica Graduate Institute. He has more than 20 years experience providing clinical services in a range of settings including inpatient, hospital, outpatient, and private practice. He has published numerous articles, has three forthcoming books, and, the topic of this conversation is his recent publication, Elements of Self-Destruction.

Our conversation ranges over a number of fascinating areas, including Brent's thoughts about R. D. Laing and his position as Director of the R. D. Laing Institute. We discuss some of the philosophical underpinnings to therapy and the always interesting topic of what is actually going on in the brain regarding chemical imbalance and mental imbalance. Which came first? It is the classic 'chicken or the egg?' question and is an importanttopic for anyone interested in mental health.

There is much more in this interesting conversation that I found to be both enjoyable and stimulating. Most importantly I found Brent to be relaxed, very knowledgeable and a sensitive man who I am sure you will see a lot more of as his numerous books emerge into the marketplace.

You can find out more about Brent Potter and his book at his publisher's website Karnac Books

Richard Hill presents - Neuroscience Update, July, 2014 - Director of the MindScience Institute, Richard Hill MA, MEd, MBMSc, DPC, presents 3 snapshots of current research and thinking in neurobiology as well as events.
Online August 6th, 2014 - register your email for free access information

Mindscience TV continues with the series on What's New in Research and What's Happening!

This month brings you updates on books and papers that talk about the right and left hemispheres and prenatal meditation:

(1) We begin with a review of Iain McGilchrist's book, The Master and his Emissary and Daniel Siegel's, Brainstorm and how they deal with the differences, and similarities, between the left and right hemispheres of the brain. As you might expect, nothing is as straightforward as we think and the key is how we engage and integrate the different processes to create a coherent and healthy mind.

The workshop of the week is my own presentations with PDP Seminars. IPNB is in Sydney August, 9-10; Neuroscience 201 & 301 and also Rossi's Mirror Hand Technique in Melbourne, August 15-17 (attend any or all days) www.pdpseminars.com.au

(2) This article from Scientific American looks at the neuroscience of creativity and, in doing so, also discusses right and left hemispheres as well as the defaut network and the imagination network. Very interesting. Link to article

For Australians, Relationship Institute Australasia is presenting the Gottman Marital Therapy Level 1 - Professional Training in various locations over the rest of 2014. Check out their website for a location near you. www.relationshipinstitute.com.au

(3) This final paper shows how prenatal mediatation influences infant behaviours after birth. It looks into the neurobiochemical and hormonal effects and how they affect the baby in utero. Very interesting for all future parents. Chan, K.P. (2014)Prenatal meditation influences infant behaviors, Infant Behavior and Development 37: 556-561.

In light of this caring, attachment based paper, the wonderful Bonnie Badenoch and her collaborator, Coease Scott, are presenting their final workshop for 2014 on Tenderly touching Our Attachment Experiences, in Portland, September 25-27. Check out the details - workshop brochure PDF

All this in 3 six to seven minute segments! Check it out.

Richard Hill presents - Neuroscience Update, June, 2014 - Director of the MindScience Institute, Richard Hill MA, MEd, MBMSc, DPC, presents 3 snapshots of current research and thinking in neurobiology as well as events.
Online July 2nd, 2014 - register your email for free access information

Mindscience TV continues with the series on What's New in Research and What's Happening!

This month brings you updates on 3 papers that talk about the interplay of the brain, body and the inflammatory system:

(1) This first paper shows how inflammation can trigger the transfer of RNA directly from blood vessels to the brain. This is just a part of the wider conversation about the importance and influence of inflammatory processes in our physical and mental health. Check out Robinson (2014) at PLoS Biology 12(6): e1001875.

The conference of the week is 7th Annual Chair Summit from CME in Tampa Florida September 11-13. www.chairsummit.com

(2) This paper opens the relationship of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and inflammatory processes. It is becoming clear that therapists need to not only understand the brain, but also our immune system and how they 'speak' to each other and respond to each other. Many things that we call disease are also symptoms of a poor conversation Link to article

An intriguing and welcome webinar is presented by Rick Hanson. Wonderful speakers like Stephen Porges, Joseph Goldstein and Todd Kashdan - downloadable till September www.entheos.com

(3) This final paper shows what happens in the brain in response to focused attention and the contingent upregulation of norepinephrine (noradrenaline). The astroglia are positively activated in the presence of norepinephrine. Very interesting Paukert et al., (2014) Norepinephrine controls astroglial responsiveness to local circuit activity. Neuroprotection 82(6): 1263-1270.

An interesting conference in Brisbane, Australia, 27-30 July, is the 12th International Conference on Cognitive Science. Check out the details - www.icon2014.org/

All this in 3 six to seven minute segments! Check it out.

Richard Hill presents - Neuroscience Update, May, 2014 - Director of the MindScience Institute, Richard Hill MA, MEd, MBMSc, DPC, presents 4 snapshots of current research and thinking in neurobiology as well as events and new books.
Online June 4th, 2014 - register your email for free access information

Mindscience TV continues with the series on What's New in Research and What's Happening!

This month brings you updates on 4 papers that talk about connections in the brain: NB:(allow video some time to download to avoid buffering interruptions)

(1) This first paper discusses the benefit of neurologists knowing something about affective disorders. The emotional needs of someone who is being given a neurological diagnosis is something that cannot be ignored or underrated. Check out these papers Kanner (2014) Is it time to train neurologists in the management of mood and anxiety disorders? Epilepsy and Behavior 34: 139-143 Ogg-Gronendaal, et al (2014) A systematic review of the effect of exercise interventions on challenging behavior for people with intellectual disabilities. Research in Developmental Disabilities 35(7): 1507-1717 Otto, et al (2007) Exercise for mood and anxiety disorders. The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 68: 669-676.

The workshop of the month is Richard's workshops with PDP on Neuroscience. The ones mentioned here are in Sydney, but these will be repeated in Melbourne in July and August. Check out the PDP's website www.pdpseminars.com.au

(2) Richard talks about the relationship between brain, metabolism and lifestyle in an article in The Scientist. Understanding the connection between our mental and bodily processes is the next wave of fascination - Link to article

The Australian Childhood Foundation’s International conference in Melbourne this August 4-8 is not to be missed. An amazing lineup of speakers including Allen Schore, Stephen Porges and Daniel Siegel www.childtraumaconf.org

(3) Learn about the mind/brain to immune relationship in some interesting research from The Netherlands. This article from Nature News describes hwo the researchers looked at the immune system of a hardened and famous Dutch explorer. Very interesting. Link to the Nature article Kox et al (2014) Voluntary activation of the sympathetic nervous system and attenuation of the innate immune response in humans. PNAS

Learn about the fascinating group and their website that investigate the development of humans - Center for Academic Research and Training in Anthropogeny. Have a look at their website and their very interesting free resources including webinars - http://carta.anthropogeny.org/

(4) Stress can alter the nature of blood flow in the arterioles of the brain by interfering with the dilation necessary to facilitate increased metabolism in response to brain activity. An interesting paper - Berndt (2014) Stress Stops the Blood from Flowing. Sci. Signal. 7, ec140 link to Science Magazine

A fabulous conference in Hyderabad India in December 2014. This is put on by my friends at the international Strengths Based Practice in social work group. Submit your abstract and'or join this enriching experience - Conference PDF

All this in 4 six to seven minute segments! Check it out.

Richard Hill presents - Neuroscience Update, April, 2014 - Director of the MindScience Institute, Richard Hill MA, MEd, MBMSc, DPC, presents 2 snapshots of current research and thinking in neurobiology as well as events and new books.
Online May 1st, 2014 - register your email for free access information

Mindscience TV continues with the series on What's New in Research and What's Happening!

This month brings you updates on 2 papers that talk about connections in the brain:

(1) Firstly we look at what is happening in the psychopathic brain. Really interesting work on the way in which the PreFrontal Cortex and the Limbic Area communicate deepens our insight into this condition, and also conditions like Alexithymia! Check out the CNN discussion of this at edition.cnn.com/2014/03/26/health/brain-moral-judgments/ and the fascinating paper that sparked this discussion: Functional connectivity bias in the prefrontal cortex of psychopaths, (2014) Contreras-Rodriguez et al, In Press. http://www.biologicalpsychiatryjournal.com/article/S0006-3223%2814%2900160-7/abstract Finally, find out about the Coherence Therapy Workshop here

(2) Learn about "corollary discharge" which is the interneuron process where the brain informs itself about actions and sensations that can be expected or anticipated from self generated activity. That is why you can touch your own leg and not be worried, as different from someone else touching you. It is why you can't tickle yourself! It is also a mechanism that is not working in schizophrenia and other delusionary psychosis.

Two great new books are: A biography of the late William Glasser - Champion of Choice. He was the father of Choice Therapy and Reality Therapy by Jim Roy through Zeig, Tucker & Theisen. Also, the 2nd edition of my mate Lou Cozolino's book, The Neuroscience of Human Relationships from W.W. Norton - a must read.

All this in just a little over 11 minutes! Check it out.

Richard Hill presents - Neuroscience Update, March, 2014 - Director of the MindScience Institute, Richard Hill MA, MEd, MBMSc, DPC, presents 3 snapshots of current research and thinking in neurobiology.
Online April 9th, 2014 - register your email for free access information

Richard has been presenting interviews through 2013 on MindScience TV and now takes a small shift to presenting an insight into current research and thinking in neuroscience.

This month brings you updates on:

(1) the Insular Cortex and its relationship to language production.

(2) From the campus of UCLA and the Lifespan Learning annual IPNB conference - this year celbrating the works of Dr Allan Schore - and a look into the fascinating world of Sir Richard Bowlby, son of the famous John Bowlby, as he researches the relationship between early life trauma and insecure attachment as a possible risk factor for later life dementia.

Finally, (3) a discussion of art in therapy, not so much art therapy, but the interesting investigations of art as a mechanism for discovering what is within and understanding the nature of our nature as discussed by Ernest Rossi, Jeff Zeig and others.

All this in just a little over 15 minutes! Check it out.

Richard Hill presents - Neuroscience Update, Feb, 2014 - Director of the MindScience Institute, Richard Hill MA, MEd, MBMSc, DPC, presents 3 snapshots of current research and thinking in neurobiology.
Online February 25th, 2014 - register your email for free access information

Richard has been presenting interviews through 2013 on MindScience TV and now takes a small shift to presenting an insight into current research and thinking in neuroscience.

We hope to bring more interviews as time and technology permit, but it is also exciting to be able to present these updates. This has also been an aspiration of the MindScience TV project. A new Update will be published each month.

This month brings you updates on Bipolar and the big question of the effectiveness of antidepressants. Are there more natural alternatives? Also, Working Memory. Can it be stimulated by non-invasive therapies like TMS? And finally, what has the Oxytocin Receptor got to do with genes, epigentics and autism?

All this in just a little over 10 minutes! Check it out.

Karen Tyrrell (Australia) - Teacher,author, educator and inspiring speaker about her personal, harrowing story of bullying in the workplace and her struggle with mental health - a battle she has won and written about in a book not to be missed.
Online June 11th, 2013 - register your email for free access information

Karen Tyrrell is an Australian author, passionate mental health advocate, teacher, accredited speaker and workshop presenter. In 2012, Karen Tyrrell was a finalist in the Queensland Mental Health Week individual achievement awards. Her tell-all memoir ME & HER: A Memoir of Madness is about her recovery from parent-teacher harassment and mental illness. In 2013, Karen launched ME & HIM: A Guide to Recovery, a self-help mental health manual for everyone, sharing empowering resilience skills and perspectives from the carer's point of view. Mental health CEOs, managers and leaders gave ME & HIM 5 STAR reviews.

Karen presents the Life Writing program and Resilience Training workshop to hospitals, mental health groups, wellness centres and the workplace. She presents creative writing workshops to schools and memoir writing workshops to libraries. Karen's mental health books empowering children and families will be published soon.

Karen has spoken on Today Tonight TV program, ABC radio, 4BC radio and international radio, sharing hope and empowerment.

Find out more about all of Karen's amazing work at her website - www.karentyrrell.com

Guy Ale, DBA (USA) - Director of Lifespan Seminars which teaches the use of body consciousness techniques to increase mental and physical awareness to build a framework of wellness for life.
Online May 10th, 2013 - register your email for free access information

Guy Joseph Ale, DBA, is Founder and President of Lifespan® Seminar. He serves as Vice President of Asia Pacific Association of Psychology. Guy is considered one of the world’s visionaries in longevity and wellness. He holds a doctorate in counseling psychology (honoris causa) from Young Scientists University “in recognition of his findings and contributions made so far to the field of human lifespan.” These findings and contributions are detailed in Guy’s book, A Manual for Mastering Your Life, which is a handy guide for dealing with daily challenges of stress management, good nutrition, sufficient rest, and active lifestyle.

Guy is a member of International High IQ Society and has lived in four countries on three continents and speaks four languages. He was born into a Jewish family, lived in a Muslim country as a child, and in predominantly Christian societies as an adult. This eclectic personal experience has enabled him to combine the ancient wisdom of Eastern philosophies with the latest discoveries of Western-led science to develop the Optimal Lifespan™ system which helps individuals to understand the energy in their body and provides the tools to use this energy in the best possible manner.

Guy received the Eminent in Psychological Science Award at the International Conference on Psychology 2011 “in recognition and appreciation of invaluable contributions for the benefit of humanity.” See his website for more details - www.lifespanseminar.com

Pieter Rossouw PhD (Australia) - Academic director of the Masters of Counselling Program at Queensland University, researcher and neuroscience educator as Director of the Mediros training group
Online March 18th, 2013 - register your email for free access information

Pieter holds degrees in philosophy and psychology and has been in private practice for the past 25 years. He has lectured at universities in Canada, Holland and South Africa, before finding a place in Australia. He has been a clinical psychologist at the Northern Beaches Adolescent Service and Clinical Director at the St John of God Psychiatric Hospital in Sydney. Both of these institutions provide a wonderful service to the community.

Pieter has establish a training organisation that teaches professionals about the many aspects of neuroscience and therapeutic practice. This national organisation has trained thousands of therapists and medical professionals and is one of the best venues for such training in the Australia. See their website for more details - www.mediros.com.au

Robert Rosenbaum PhD (USA) - Clinical psychologist, neuropsychologist and teacher of Dayan Qigong and director of meditation retreats - he is, simply, unique.
Author: Zen and the Heart of Psychotherapy.
Coming in May 2103! Walking the Way: 81 Zen Encounters with the Dao de Jing.

Online February 4th, 2013 - register your email for free access information

Robert Rosenbaum, Ph.D. is a clinical neuropsychologist and psychotherapist in the San Francisco Bay area, a Zen practice leader and senior teacher of Dayan Qigong, and a mountaineer. He brings a lifetime of practice to the moment-by-moment harmonization of body, mind, and spirit. Bob began Zen practice in 1971; since 1988 he has practiced at the Berkeley Zen Center in the Soto Zen lineage of Snunryu Suzuki. Bob's dharma name is Meiko Onzen ("Clear Mirror, Calm Sitting"). In 2007 he was shuso (head student) for the practice period there. He was given lay entrustment by his teacher, Sojun Mel Weitsman, in 2010 and has since been active in the Lay Zen Teachers' Association of North America.

You can find out more about Robert Rosenbaum at his website www.zenqigong.com

Carol Kershaw, EdD and Bill Wade, PhD (USA) - Therapists, educators and authors of: Brain Change Therapy: Clinical interventions for self-transformation. which covers brain change therapy from Ericksonian hypnosis to neurofeedback.
Online January, 9th 2013 - register your email for free access information

Carol Kershaw, Ed.D. is a licensed psychologist in private practice and Co-Director of the Milton H. Erickson Institute of Houston. She is an Approved Supervisor for the AAMFT, a member of the American Psychological Association, and Approved Consultant for the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis. She has lectured at numerous Erickson Congresses, annual scientific meetings of ASCH, Evolution of Psychotherapy conferences as well as the AAMFT. She was also invited to Saudi Arabia to lead a medical team for trauma intervention. Dr. Kershaw sings with the internationally acclaimed St. Paul’s United Methodist Church Choir and has sung in Westminster Abbey and York Minster in England, Thomas Kirsche in Germany, and the National Cathedral in Washington, D.C.

Bill Wade, PhD is a psychotherapist at the Institute for Family Psychology and Co-Director of the Milton Erickson Institute of Houston in Houston, Texas. He is a licensed marriage and family therapist and a professional counselor. He received his Master’s degree in Psychiatry and Religion at Union Theological Seminary in New York City. Bill has presented workshops throughout the United States on topics such as Clinical Hypnosis, Meditation, Overcoming Anxiety, and Depression, Panic Disorder, Relationship enhancement, Divorce Recovery, Parenting, and Peak Performance. He has produced numerous audio tapes on these and other topics and is the former review editor for the Milton Erickson Foundation Newsletter.

You can find out more about Carol and Bill at their website www.drscarolandbill.com and also look into their work as directors of the Milton Erickson Institute of Houston at www.mhehouston.com.

Bruce Ecker, MA, LMFT (USA) - Developer of Coherence Therapy and co-author of, Unlocking the Emotional Brain: Eliminating Symptoms at Their Roots Using Memory Reconsolidation which explains reconsolidation AND how to utilise this in therapy.
Online Aug 21, 2012 - register your email for free access information

Bruce Ecker's practice is based near San Francisco where he and a wonderful group of therapists, authors, speakers and teachers promote and utilise Coherence Therapy to help people into a stronger and well adjusted life.

You can find out more about Bruce and Coherence Therapy at the website www.coherencetherapy.org including information regarding the enormously important book he has co-authored regarding memory reconsolidation in theory and in practice. This is one of the next big things in neuroscience and the book is not to be missed.


You can read Chapter 1 FREE of charge by simply emailing Bruce and asking for it. Email - [email protected] now and get your free copy of Chapter 1 and then tune into his MSTV interview.

Jeffrey Po PhD (Singapore) - Developer of Buddhist Psychosynthetic Therapy, President of APAC Singapore and author of books including The Buddhist Companion.
Online July 26, 2012 - register your email for free access information

Jeffrey Po is a resident of Singapore who travels the world speaking about the nature of Buddhism as a life practice and in psychotherapy. He has designed a method of psychotherapy which he calls "Psychosynthetic-Buddhism". He has successfully employed this technique in his treatment of psychological issues of adolescents in high risk, the elderly and prison inmates.

Currently Jeffrey is also the President of the Association of Psychotherapists and Counsellors (Singapore) for the term of office 2012 - 2014. He has worked tirelessly with colleagues in Singapore and around the world, especially with the support of the Australian ACA and Philip Armstrong.

In this interview, Jeffrey speaks about Buddhism and how this can be applied to the practice of psychotherapy and also the practice of life. As someone who was born into a culture of Taoism and Buddhism his reflections are amazingly grounded and imbued with a lifelong history of these ideas and practices.

Jeffrey also talks about the state of psychotherapy in Singapore and his hopes and dreams for the future. This is a fascinating look into a fascinating culture which only a 'local citizen' can truly provide. You can contact Jeffrey through the association website. www.apacs.org.sg

Duncan Williams (Australia) - Social worker and educator of Aboriginal culture awareness programs.
Online July 5, 2012 - register your email for free access information

Duncan Williams has been a tireless advocate for his cultural heritage for many years as a social worker and in the important task of helping to educate others about the Aboriginal culture through his aptly named company Aboriginal Cultural Awareness p/l. His teaching helps to promote harmony and understanding in the very multi-cultural world that is Australia.

In this interview, Duncan not only shares his knowledge, but also his personal experience as an Australian Aboriginal who was not officially included as a legal citizen of Australia until new laws were made in 1967. It is unimaginable to think about the problems of the past such as the Stolen Generation and the struggles of land right recognition, but this exactly what we must imagine and acknowledge. His story of finding his place in Australia is a true story of courage and conviction.

People in business, communities, schools and government organisations will benefit from Duncan's insighful and sensitive training. Contact him as soon as you can - [email protected]

Dawson Church PhD (USA) - Researcher and Educator in energy psychology and EFT - Emotional Freedom Technique
Online June 12, 2012 - register your email for free access information

Dr Church is an author or editor of some nine books, including Soul Medicine and The Genie in Your Genes. His research into the practice and effectiveness of energetic healing practices is a driving force in the deeper understanding into the how and why of healing and well being. He has been the research director for the Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology and tours the world lecturing and informing on this fascinating topic. He is director of the Soul Medicine Institute and editor of the Energy Psychology journal. His understanding of gene expression and epigenetics is of the highest order and he continues with a number of important research projects today.

You can find out more about Dr Church and his many activities, including training and research at www.dawsonchurch.com and also at the Soul Medicine Institute www.soulmedicineinstitute.org/

Philip Armstrong (Australia) - CEO of ACA and with a gripping story of both being in the defence force and helping families after.
Online May 25, 2012 - register your email for free access information

It is always surprising when you chat quietly and learn about someone's history. Also, see below about his charity climb of Mount Kilimanjaro!

Philip is a tireless worker and advocate for the profession of psychotherapy, but thinking of him as just an administrator denies a rich and testing past.

Listen to Philip's tales of his life in the military, dealing with the trauma of death and his own personal injuries. It is intriguing to hear how his military life and his work repatriating servicemen and their families after they returned home was a direct influence on his journey into the counselling profession. He also discusses his efforts now as CEO of the Australian Counsellors Association and how he thinks counsellors need to respond to the upcoming challenges of the profession.

Most importantly - hear about his plans to climb Mount Kilimanjaro in aid of Cancer Research. You can support Philip and ACA president Simon Clarke AND benefit from a fabulous online learning experience. More than 12 hours of amazing lectures, repeated for your convenience, by world experts from June 15-18, 2012. Join in with a donation of just $50 - or more if you can. This is something special and we can help. Register and donate at this link - www.theaca.net.au/virtualconference I'll see you there with a brand new presentation introducing The Curiosity Oriented Approach to Therapy. Don't miss it!

John Arden, PhD (USA) - A world leader in the practice of brain-based therapy. Author of several seminal texts.
Online May 15, 2012 - register your email for free access information

John Arden is one of THE experts in the integration of neuroscience and the practice of psychotherapy. He is the author of some 12 books, but his book with colleague Dr Lloyd Linford, Brain Based Therapy for Adults is simply a must-read for anyone wanting to understand the value of neuroscience in the practice of psychotherapy.

Dr Arden has produced invaluable books for those working with OCD, anxiety, young people and so much more. In this conversation Dr Arden speaks not only about his important therapeutic approach, BASE, but also speaks candidly about where he thinks the profession is and where it should be heading. He is candid and frank, but being such a warm human being, it is a very enlightening conversation.

For more information about books, speaking schedule and lots of other fascinating things go to www.drjohnarden.com . This is a special talk from a very special man.

Dr Arden will be visiting Australia at the end of October, 2012 speaking on trauma, sponsored by STARTTS. Don't miss this great opportunity - click here John Arden Sydney seminar with STARTTS

Terry Marks-Tarlow, PhD(USA) - Psychotherapist , educator and author
Online April 27, 2012 - register your email for free access information

Terry Marks-Tarlow shares with us her facinating diverse skills as both a practicing psychotherapist and talented artist. We talk about her new book which is one of the best books of the year - Clinical Intuition in Psychotherapy - The Neurobiology of Embodied Response (Norton Books. This book is part of the Interpersonal Neurobiology series and has a forward by Allan Shore and high praise from many luminries included the master of research on play, Jaak Panksepp.

Our discussion covers so many interesting topics and includes several of the images from the book. We are able to see the images in color and to hear Terry's deep and rich description.

Terry puts the topic of intuition front and center again as a reasonable and, in fact, essential element of therapeutic practice. As much as the 'left brain' can make sense of such a expansive subject, Terry Marks-Tarlow has done it as well as is possible. She leaves the practitioner with a much clearer grasp of the intuitive process and how to use this to beneficial effect in practice. Learn more about Terry at www.markstarlow.com

Evan Katz, MC, MAC (USA) - anger therapist with an amazing personal story.
Online April 19, 2012 - register your email for free access information

Evan Katz is popularly known as "The Anger Guy". Evan shares his own heart-wrenching experiences that led him to becoming a professional counselor, helping men and boys come to grips with the pervasive problem of "male anger". Evan was in the trenches, got out, figured out how to help and has gone back into the trenches to try and make a diffierence. His book, Inside the Mind of an Angry Man is a testament to what he is giving back to the world. Evan speaks about his story and also about what to do in the therapy room. Be sure to drop into his website - www.theangerguy.com - it is a gift for all who struggles with this difficult emotion.

Dr Sherif Darwish (Egypt) - psychiatrist, addiciton specialist
Online April 5, 2012 - register your details for free access information

Dr Darwish brings to us the experiences of a therapist working with addicition in Alexandria, Egypt. We talk about how he began to work with recovered addicts and how he eventually set up his own clinic - Recovery - an exciting innovation in the ongoing of treatment of recovered addicts in Egypt.

We talk about the impact of the Revolution. What happened to his group of 50-60 recovered addicts in that difficult and disruptive time? Law and order broke down and the only product to become cheaper was the price of street drugs. The outcome is completely surprising - and inspiring.

Bonnie Badenoch, PhD (USA) - trauma therapist, author, speaker and editor.
Online from March 21, 2012 - register your details for free access information.

After more than 20 years as trauma therapist Bonnie Badenoch has recorded her wisdom in two books - Being a Brain-Wise Therapist and The Brain Savvy Therapists' Workbook.

A past president of the Global Association for Interpersonal Neurobiology Studies (GAINS - click logo to link) she has just been appointed to the Advisory Board. In this program she shares her immense wisdom in understanding how brain science can help to inform elemental therapies like sandplay and art therapy. All this and much more... Find out more about Bonnie Badenoch at www.nurturingtheheart.org

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